
Wednesday, 15th November 2017

#SimpleFacts Recipe – Alternative English breakfast

#SimpleFacts Recipe – Alternative English breakfast
The beloved English breakfast, a timeless legacy many Brits hold dear. The hearty combination of fried bacon and sausage, eggs, buttered toast and the rest has been a much-loved weekend treat for centuries. However, as the age-old phrase goes, ‘everything in moderation.’ Indulging in fatty processed meats and butter can have all kinds of negative effects on the body, so it’s important to vary that weekend breakfast from time to time with a healthier alternative. 

Fortunately, we’re not afraid to challenge the stately breakfast, so here’s a nutritious alternative to help you achieve a better-balanced diet without sacrificing any flavour:


Place a large Portabello mushroom onto a well-oiled baking tray before grating cheddar and parmesan cheese onto the mushroom, seasoning with salt and pepper and adding torn basil leaves. Next, place half an aubergine onto the tray and spread with two generous scoops of green pesto before baking both vegetables for 20 minutes at 200C. Then, not forgetting the essentials, fry an egg and plum tomatoes to your preference. Drizzle olive oil onto granary toast and serve together with some bakes beans for a classic finish, as simple as that. 

#SimpleFact 86 – Portabello mushroom is a good source of protein and magnesium


  • Portabello mushroom
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Salt & pepper
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Aubergine
  • Egg
  • Vine Tomatoes
  • Brown bread
  • Baked beans

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