How to get your picky eaters to eat more vitamins
When your child is a picky eater it can be frustrating trying to achieve a nutritious, balanced diet, but there are many techniques you can use to incorporate more vitamins into their food and drink choices. From hiding vegetables in their favourite meals to substituting greens for fruit with similar nutritional properties, follow these tips to help with the fussiest eaters.
Get into a routine
Including fruit and vegetables in every meal is a good way to familiarise your family with eating healthy, vitamin-rich foods. Children are much more likely to try familiar foods, so although they may say no at first, repeatedly adding the same items to their plate can increase their chances of liking it in the future. The addition of strawberries, oranges or pineapple every day at breakfast, for example, can help to increase their Vitamin C intake.
Pre-meal snacks
Fussy eaters are more likely to try vegetables when they’re hungry - such as before meals. A small starter of crunchy carrot or cucumber batons, with homemade dip, is the perfect way to introduce them to a nutritional snack, whilst also steering children away from junk food. Healthy items are much easier to avoid when on a plate with other foods, helping to combat the issue by removing other options gets children accustomed to nourishing alternatives.
Don’t forget minerals
When kids are picky with iron-rich foods such as fish, meat or greens it is possible to increase their iron intake through a combination of wholegrain cereals, fruit and dairy products. Cheerio’s are just one of the main dry cereal brands that can contribute to a child’s daily iron intake.
Switch it up
Dark green and leafy vegetables are packed full of immune system-boosting Vitamin A and Vitamin C but are often shunned by picky eaters due to their bitter taste. If your little ones don’t like greens they can still attain the same nutritional benefits from fruit! Dried apricot, melon and mango all offer Vitamin A whilst kiwis and citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C.
Whole grains
Whole grains can offer antioxidants such Vitamin E as well as being high in protein and fibre but can be tricky to fit into your child’s diet if they only like white bread. Incorporating whole grains through different avenues, such as using brown rice or whole-wheat pasta during evening meals or whole grain cereals for breakfast can help them reap the benefits, whilst still enjoying their favourite bread!
The last resort
Secretly hiding vegetables in your child’s
favourite dishes, such as adding pureed cauliflower or carrot into pasta
sauces, is great for the super picky! However, if you want your child to be
more open to trying new foods that are crammed with vitamins, hide them in
plain sight a little at a time.
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